Rabu, 08 April 2015

Overview of Bonsai

The journey of human life is very dynamic behavior in line with the evolving ethical norms and always morphed with nature lingkunganya. ethical norms born of a belief that is sacred to the truth and perfection, menjadikanya as a keprcayaan be aesthetic religion. ethical norms synonymous with culture, development of cultural dynamics in line with what is believed to be religious.
far been perjal; anan this bonsai art, starting from the birth of a tradition that is a sacred trust and norms of ethics in mainland India, so long-lived life, it is recommended to plant a tree species name 'tulsi' and grown in containers such as pots, benefits is a deciduous tree that can be used as a herbal medicine. Young shoots are picked just use a finger, then boiled and the water decoction taken to maintain the health of the body so it can be long-lived. result of trimming by hand this is done spontaneously, making it seem dwarf trees naturally, they say the Sanskrit "tanu vaman vrjksdj vjdya" and gradually this tradition evolved into the art of bonsai.
keprcayaan and ethical norms of the Indian subcontinent evolved towards the east Asian continent, also in conjunction with the culture and traditions sacralnya. and the development of these sacred traditions are gradually changing due to adapt to the differences in the surrounding environment and local traditions. Now this sacred tradition has changed wuju, botanical art has been well developed in every country in the east far, especially in mainland China they call Pencai and Japan who popularized this botanical art to foreign countries, with the name of bonsai.
Sei development bonsai is basically the same, but his performance has a different characteristic, according to the aesthetic dynamics berkembag in their respective countries. Kesimpulanya, art is one of the products of culture and the culture was born because of a culture.

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